Here are Ten people who make my day -- I go to their blogs regularly -- anxously awaiting an update!(other than Sandee and Debby -- I go to them too -- but here are 10 more!) I go to lots more, but here are a few.....
Ruth Rae -- always inspiring!
Catherine Witherell -- you never know what new medium she's going to tackle next -- and she excells at every single one!
Maija Lepore -- Maija has a great mix of her art, her life, and her finds from other people (gifts and purchases)> I learn something new every time I visit!
Colette -- beautiful beautiful fabric collages -- looking at them takes my stress away...
Sara Lechner --very very cool felting.I really want an embellisher!
Dawn Houser -- A very cool and entertaining blog -- and I keep stumbling across rubber stamps in my own collection that have been designed by Dawn. Go right now and buy one of her Urban Aprons. They are so cool!
Heather Simpson Bluhm -- where she finds the time to make all of her gorgeous art, and make everyone cool blog banners, and take care of her darling little, is beyond me. She's Wonder Woman! Even though she's always getting me into some kind of trouble.....
Audrey Hernandez -- I practice really hard, so that maybe someday my rubber stamping will approach the perfection of hers!
June -- June puts a smile on my face in every single post!
Julie -- from The Land of Lost Luggage -- is a fairly recent addition to my daily sojourns. She has some really cool journaling tutorials. I have learned a lot from her journaling.
I go to lots more blogs regularly (see sidebar) and love the new ArtFul Blogging Magazine because I have found so many new blogs to add to my favourites!
I wish that these people would blog more often
Teesha Moore
Cori (LOL -- I know that you've been busy)
Martha.....you are so sweet. Thank you so much for thinking of me for this award. You know you make my day also with all of your awesome fabric work that I am always oohing and aahing over. You are the reason that I keep practicing and incorporating bits of sewing here and there :o)
You Martha have made my day many times and I am flattered and pleased to be on your list. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I especially like it when you post pictures of yourself since I am not sure when I will see you in person again. I loved meeting you at Artfest and still remember the feelings when laughing as hard as we did. You are kind and someone worth knowing. XO Catherine
Thank you for the kind honor. Martha! You make my day- I read your blog EVERY time you update!
Thank you so much!! I just found your blog too...now that I have you in my feed list I can visit every time you update!
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