Will I be finished packing? (Will I be finished all of the art that has to be made?) Stay tuned for the saga of Martha's move...... Oh, I move every few years. It always gets moved. There will be many tears and more than a few arguements. But this year we have 3 apartments of stuff to move. All in one day. You see, Lauren and I lived here. And Lauren moved out. Then Ray moved all of his stuff here. Then Lauren moved all of her stuff back. And took off to France. So Ray and I will be moving it all. On a Wednesday! Anyone have any good back strengthening exercises??
On that note, here is my journal page for the month. The topic is FEAR. Okay, maybe not my biggest scariest fear. But this one is more timely.
The fear of getting rid of stuff. The verdict? Don't. hahahahaha. My mom is rolling her eyes big time right now as she reads this.

I think that this page is more cluttered that my pages usually are. Oh well, so is my life....
this is wonderful martha, love it!!!
best wishes for the move..
Your page is very interesting- I felt some of the anxiety you must be feeling with your impending move. It's a wonderful way to continue your life with Ray!
Hi Martha,
Great blog. I love your artwork. I've added you to my favorites and will add you to my blog soon.... :)
I can so relate to fear of getting rid of stuff too.
It is so hard to pack for a move, and even harder to decide what to keep or toss! Your journal page is fun! Positive thoughts for the packing and moving!!
chris p
Ha! i LOVE this journal page (i noticed the circled Keep it right away) and i can totally relate to the fear of getting rid of your "treasures". a contant struggle for me but i have to say, i also feel good after i purge as well. that is, except when i go to look for that perfect thing for the piece of art i'm working on and then realize i got rid of it!!! Gaaaaaaaahh!!!!! he he heee
you're doing good Martha!
This is a really great page! I Love evrything about it!! Good luck with your move...ugh..I hate moving.
Awesome page. I am the same way. I always need to keep everything cuz you just never know when you will need it. And I know if I throw something away I will need it the next day :o)
Oh that page is perfect!
(I am here by way of Julie's Mad Hat Blog. I expect to come back often!)
I love that page too! Counting the days and good luck moving all your crap!
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