Thursday, June 28, 2007
Incredible Illness
So tomorrow (Friday) will be the last day of school. I hope that I manage to do all of my work in one day. I don't want to have to go next week too.
Having said all of that, I'm behind on anything that was to be mailed out this week. C'est la vie....
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Everything is Black and White
Or not..... I was making black and white charms for a swap -- I decided to use black wooden dominoes and cut them in half. After cutting 30 dominoes in half with my dremel(you only can get one square per domino) , I put them in a safe place, to return to them later. That safe place is VERY safe. Even I can't find THAT safe place. Luckily, the swap deadline was extended! I didn't have any more dominoes, but I could easily find dice. So dice it is. I'm quite happy with them. They're a bit big, but I am determined to make a bracelet or necklace with the returns! I'll post a picture them as soon as I get them back. Ruth has hers posted on her blog too. And a great ee cummings poem! Very cool Ruth! I hope that I get one of those!
I'd LOVE to do a pink and green charm swap! Maybe someone wants to host that! Hmmm, any takers??? (it's hard for me to host -- I'd be happy to, but since most of the players are in the US, the postage is almost double to send here and return, so it's kind of silly for me to host.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
An Extraordinary Evening
Carmi's art group met last night -- This is my Extraordinary R. Each member did 1 or 2 letters, and Carmi will have them photographed for us (the whole word) YAY -- Thank you Carmi! (Hey, that's my backyard -- it's not looking too bad -- all blurry and lush)

We had fun playing with fabric and rhinestones and some cool iron on embroidery trim stuff ...... We all made little ATCs or fabric collages using a few fabrics that Carmi brought. Here's mine! Initially, I wasn't liking her , but as I sewed and added bits, she was more "me". I don't usually use many 3D embellishments, but I think that she might need some beads and sequins.....
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Zetti Solstice

I have been trading zetti ornaments with Beth for awhile. Beth made the TOP one and I made the BOTTOM one. LOL -- we like the same images...... Beth's is so cool -- I think that she teaches a class about making her ornaments -- she lives in California for all of you South West coasters. Beth's ornament is about 1/2 inch thick -- mine was quite flat. Thank you Beth!!!
Summer starts today!

Today is the solstice! Summer officially starts around 2pm. I made some solstice art. This is a postcard I made for a zetti postcard swap! Lauren is my sun -- when my face is towards her, all of my troubles fall behind me. I love you Laur!
More solstice art later today! Right now I have to go to school and prepare for a birthday party for 2 groups of children -- 17 to a group. I made 4 dozen cupcakes last night!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Fun Stuff

I found this fun link on Catherine's blog -- for once I can blame someone other than Heather for my procrastination! LOL! I can blame Jackson Pollock!
Click here to play (if you want to want to save your creation, click on Print Screen (Prt Scr) on your keyboard (PC) and then paste into a publishing or paint program, then edit.)
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Buy this Book!

This book is WONDERFUL. Some people on yahoo groups said that they didn't like it so much, but I think it is great. I took a class from Michael at ArtFest this year (and will take 2 more, here in Toronto in October) . Michael is highly entertaining -- and a great teacher. His book is a lot like him -- chatty and visually appealing (LOL)(giggle). I think maybe people wanted a "how to" book with more info. He does tell how to make things, but because his assemblage is made up of found objects, he can't really give instructions to make the exact same things! C'mon folks! Use your creativity. Grab a tube of Liquid Nails (we Canucks will have to make a trip south of the border) and your favourite paints, and glue stuff together! Having said all that, I still haven't finished the 3 assemblaaaaaaages that I started at ArtFest. That's what summer's for, right?
Summer's Coming
I was so lucky to be able to work in Else's Ocean Jewels book in the warm weather. I dream of the ocean often (or the lake) We used to have a cottage on Lake Huron. But my mom sold it :( Then they bought a house on the ocean in Nova Scotia. But she sold it :( (but we still love you, mom!) Now I live in a beautiful city with an ocean-like lake -- so I'm still lucky. Ray and I went out to the Toronto Islands yesterday and dreamed about living there. So we're going to apply -- it might take 10 or more years for a house to come up, but we'll patiently wait.... The houses are tiny and cottagey and it's a wonderful artist community..... but your life depends on the ferry!
The quotation is by Longfellow (with one line edited out)
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Birdie Fever!
Kelly finally received her Birdie Fever stuff from me! I think that she liked it! Go on over to her blog and see the stuff - her pictures are better than mine, LOL. And while you're there, look at her past posts on her blog. She has some very cool eye candy there -- and tons of book recommendations. If you ever get a chance, take a class from Kelly Kilmer-- everyone who I know who has taken them has had a great time, and learned a lot! (maybe someday she'll teach in Toronto....)
Friday, June 15, 2007
Something new, something blue!
And this is what I made! I like it!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
New Stuff coming soon....
So I thought I'd post.... another polka dot page !!! LOL ! Surprise! The image is Anahata Katkin's -- if you want to buy one of her collage books you'd better hurry -- she is discontinuing them! but they are on sale while they last!!

Sunday, June 10, 2007
Birdie Fever !
There is a TON of paper, and a birdie rubber stamp cube, ribbon, some fun birdies, some honkin' big paper fasteners ("brads") and the Michelle Ward Clearly Impressed set that I've been coveting. And BEST OF ALL, a journal that Kelly made for me. That's it with the pinky/orange cover with the bird on it. The bad part is that it's too nice to journal in. Hahahahahahaha. Ray said that it was all really "me" and I think that Kelly is a kindred spirit. It's nice having all of those pieces of paper. I think that I'm going to rip all of my big 12x12 papers and larger wrapping papers into smaller pieces, because then they are (mentally) ready to use, and not so covetable and hoardable
And the good news? Round One is finished in the Report Card Corner! I now have to read them over to edit any typos and glaring errors. Then my principal reads them over to find any typos and silly mistakes, and perhaps edits out my personality a bit (the part where it says " XXX must remember that karate moves are for karate class, and not for the kindergarten classroom")( or "YYY must refrain from biting and punching the teacher")(I'm supposed to use teacher jargon like "YYY is encouraged to use her hands for helping"). Anyway, then I get them back, fix the mistakes, print them, sign then, and hand them in again to the Principal who reads them over again to make sure that I was a good girl and fixed my mistakes. The Principal is legally responsible for the report cards, so if I say anything idiotic, she gets blamed.....
I'm doing the happy dance. And Ray, Andy and Lauren will be happy that I will be less crabby.
My art list for this week:
- 25 charms for a swap
- an extraordinary R
- a zetti ornament
- 5 zetti postcards
- Vale's zetti journal spread
- a birdie ATC bag and ATCs
- Else's journal spread
Okay, maybe I'll still be crabby........
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Big green dots
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Procrastinationg a little bit... woof!

This is what kind of dog I am!
Martha, you're a Collie!
No bones about it, you're a loyal, nurturing Collie. A sensitive breed, you're always approachable and very in tune with others' feelings — just like Lassie! Because of your empathetic nature, you tend to be the group psychologist to your circle of friends. Your faithful, easygoing, steadfast personality makes you a wonderful confidant; people love to come to you with their troubles. Bottom line? You're a star at interpersonal relationships and have a knack for making new friends and acquaintances wherever you go. After all, what's a Collie without a flock to look after? Since you're so giving, your buddies might not realize that you need them just as much as they need you, so make sure not to neglect yours truly. Everyone deserves some "me" time. Woof!
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Still feeling dotty
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
You will walk in good company
It was inspired by a Jane Siberry song:
The Valley
i live in the hills
you live in the valleys
and all that you know are those blackbirds
yoou rise every morning
wondering what in the world will the world bring today
will it bring you joy or will it take it away
and every step you take is guided by
the love of the light on the land and the blackbird's cry
you will walk in good company
the valley is dark
the burgeoning holding
the stillness obscured by their judging
you walk through the shadows
uncertain and surely hurting
deserted by the blackbirds and the staccato of the staff
and though you trust the light towards which you wend your way
sometimes you feel all that you wanted has been taken away
you will walk in good company
i love the best of you
you love the best of me
though it is not always easy
lovely? lovely?
we will walk in good company
the shepherd upright and flowing
you see...
Megan sang this song to her tiny baby in the hospital. The song has been playing in my head ever since. I had to use it to let it out!
Saturday, June 02, 2007
LATE EDIT (Saturday night)! : We know where the dog lives, but apparently, nothing can be done. We can sue the owners for the vet money, but our lawyers fees would be more than the vet bill... Ray pretends that the dog didn't bite him, but it DID break the skin 3 times. He is in denial and won't go the doctor. Andy is healing well. After 2 days of lethargy, tonight he's jumping all over Lauren and running 360s in the garden. Thank you all for the well wishes!!!