It's spring break -- I have 2 more days to play!-- here's what i'm tackling next (see, Audrey, I told you that mine had potential for avalanches! Hmmm, I think that the top of my harvest table will need refinishing before I use it as a kitchen table again (um, mom? can you remind me how to do that????) Obviously, this blog will never be a candidate for "Artful Blogging" or "Where Women Create" Howabout a book called "A Real Person Creates here" I'll take another picture on Saturday. We'll see if there is any change :)
p.s 49 days 'till moving day.
7 comments: are so funny. Do we share the same room, lol. I only shared one section of my table since i just couldn't show the rest. My avalanches all seem to be on the floor, lol. I like your idea of 'a real person creates here'. Also how about 'I Spy'. People could show a pic of the room and see if others could find that elusive supply that seems to have disappeared right under their eyes, lol.
Your studio space looks perfectly normal to me.
This is so cool. I just put out a call to artists to post their messy rooms, but you already had yours here!
I totally want to do a book about this!
hehehe it has that creative chaos feel, the best kind!!!!
Now that's a WORKING space! love it - I completely relate.
hee - I came back and looked closely at your photo again. I think you would know your way around MY studio and I would know my way around yours - we seem to organize in the same way.
I'll come back and visit your blog again.
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