If you are a regular reader of my blog you will know that I love doilies!

(I just love photographing my art in my classroom. This was taken after 5pm -- but there is still so much beautiful light. My windows face west -- I have 6 sets of windows -- they are about 4 feet wide and at least 7 feet long!)(I hope that I can stay in this classroom forever :)
great lighting for your beautiful valentine.
I even love the word "doily" !
So pretty.
Yay for classrooms full of light, love and learning !
(I subbed here in NH for three months in a school that had no windows in any of the classrooms. The classrooms were all on the inside of this brick prison looking building with windows really high up. The gym, library, cafteria, staff room had all the windows and the classrooms had none. It was the most depressing school I have ever been in. And the staff was the bitchiest too. No wonder !)
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