New things are coming. Not only have I been dealing with "The Money Pit", I have been super sick! I'm still sick (I'm at home today, and have had a bit of puttering time, but mostly lying in bed and looking at magazines, which make me impatient to create! But hauling my art boxes from the garage to the basement isn't on the agenda today --- I'm too weak! Only two weeks left of school though -- then I'll be the art maniac! (or maybe should I be painting the house, as planned?)(nah, I have the rest of my life to paint the house, but some VERY PATIENT people are waiting for art from me).
Anyway, I'll leave you with some stuff from my classroom. I teach kindergarten full time, and the kids are amazing! Keep in mind that they are 4-6 years old! We recently finished a unit on oceans/water. Here is some of what we did:
Here is what the classroom looks like:

A close up of the bulletin board:
(jellyfish, crabs and starfish)

A close up of a handprint crab -- aren't they adorable?

Here are some of the of the "Swimmy" scenes (Swimmy is a book by Leo Lionni -- a little black fish loses his family (a big fish eats them!) and swims through the ocean, looking at all of the cool things, then he finds a school of fish in hiding, and makes a plan with them to work together to scare the big fish away. If we all work together, we make great things happen. We made a cool big fish out of little fish, but I took it down before I photographed it. Anyway, we drew pictures with oil pastel, and then did washes of blue and green for the ocean, and then stuck Swimmy on top.

We're now in the middle of an insect unit. I'll share some of that another day!
What these pictures really show is how amazing YOU are by being the one to inspire such beautiful work from your young charges. WOW!
AND on another note... I knew you were not being realistic when you said getting the house would keep you off making art for awhile (I'm paraphrasing of course). Who or what could ever keep an artist from doing what they love and must do to live a happy life? Aren't you just so happy? I mean, even though you are sick?
xo Catherine
What a wonderful environment you have created for your students!
What a happy looking classroom! Your students are so lucky to have you as a teacher. I'm sorry you aren't well!
Sending get well wishes Martha and i just ADORE the glimpse around your classroom.What an inspiration you are to all those little ones. just WONDERFUL !
Hope you feel better just in time for school holidays. YAY !
Thanks so much for sharing
Dawnie T
What a bright and cheery class. You have some wonderful artists there! I love the chubby hands that made the crabs!Hope you're feeling better!
Gosh, I wish I'd had you as a teacher. You're so inspiring!
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