I even have some pictures. No, not of the house -- I was feeling un-photogenic today, and didn't even feel like taking pictures. Maybe tomorrow....
On the weekend I finished my pocket page in Tina's book. Tina actually provided the pocket page, and I embellished it a bit, and treated my tag as a page. It has a surprise on the back, so I'm not going to show the back. Tina's theme was "play". I like to play tea party -- so here's my tea party!
I'm excited for you Martha and wish you a good move to your new maison.
Wow, that was fast. Good luck!!! Congrats!!!
Woohoo! Moving day! Have as much fun as you can ;- )
Congrats Martha!
Love the oriental style of your pocket page!
It's Thursday so you've moved.
Congrats Martha, how exciting!!!! Best wishes for the move
I hope the move goes smoothly.
Love that tag! You do amazing things with fiber!
Home the move is going well!
Martha, I hope everything is going super SMOOTHLY at the new home! <3
and I love your page for TIna! How sweet, the tea party!!!!!! Wheeeeeee!
oh, martha!
congratulations from texas.
i can't wait to see photos of your new home.
(i closed on mine the day after you did.)
Oh Hurray it is finally here!!! Now just remember to snap your fingers twice and click your heals thrice and all of the boxes will magically unpack themselves!!! Now if I could really make that happen I would be a very rich woman!!! But it must be wonderful to be moving in!! Unpack the bedroom and find the sheets and bed first- but themn I hope that you have managed that by now!!!
I got my glorious flower square on Friday - it is lucious and so full of texture- I am SOOO gald that yoyu and Patti were able to get in on this swap- fortuitous drop- outs for us!!! I do so love your work!! Can't wait to see pictures of the new digs!!
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