I'm moving in 11 days!!! Time really does fly - our 90 days 'till closing seemed like such a long length of time, then poof! it's almost moving day!

This spread is for Bonnie. Her theme was "Time Flies" and she wanted us to incorporate a #6, or 60 in it -- because she turned 60 in October. Bonnie also loves to travel, so I went with that theme too. Not because I like to drive in fast cars. Because if you know me, you'll know that I hate driving. I don't have a license, and I don't even like to be passenger. Grow where you're planted, my mom said........

I also thought I'd be super organized and work ahead on some tip ins for another group, so I hypothesized on who my next 2 partners would be. Well, it turns out that the 2 spreads that I did aren't due to my partners until December 2008, and February 2009. Go figure...... I really love the work that I did, but I can't show it to you for another, um, 8 months or so.... LOL.....
That's so funny. Sounds like something I would do only I would probably hate the spreads in 8 months! I love the "Life begins at 60 mph" spread. So cool.
Can't wait to hear about the moving adventures :)
I know that I might not like them in 8 months!!! I think that I'll just put them in envelopes now and then mail them off later!
I'm hoping that there aren't too many moving adventures......
The 60 mph spread is fun. I hope everything falls together smoothly and perfectly in the next 11 days.
Why not mail your swap items earlier so that you can post them..LOL! Good luck on the move. Sorry I missed you at the swap! I now have 15 ATCs and am hoping I'll still be able to trade them:(
Eight months ahead of time! If I were in your shoes I'd be sure to lose them between now and then, even without moving house!
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