Tonight I plan to celebrate the Solstice by eating cookies, drinking tea and getting all cozy by the tree. There are big celebrations for the festival of lights in Kensington Market, but I'm going to have to pass this year. Are you doing anything to celebrate the longest, darkest night, and the subsequent return to light????

HI Martha! Hope youre feeling better for christmas. Thank you so much for the great Christmas card. I cant believe you take the time to make all your cards. thats amazing. Youre aMazing.. "M is for aMazing Martha!" (haha!) Lets see.. to celebrate the solstice, I made more gingerbread cookies for a cookie exchange at work tomorrow. And I made 3 loaves of special banana bread for gifts for my brother in laws. then I made two paperclay santas, hopefully they will dry and be ready to be painted by wednesday night. and now.. I'm sitting here.. needing to post elfs on my blog. and yes.. and eating popcorn and icetea! And.. im tired!
have a great tuesday and a very merry Christmas!
Oh, no! I hope you are on the mend very soon. It is no fun being sick during the holidays! Have a most blessed Solstice!xoxoxoxo
I'm sorry to hear you are sick. Yuck! Your little tree looks quite like ours this year. Super cute.
I have my niece tonight and after dinner we all went for a long drive to see the Christmas lights while drinking hot cocoa. We had to see from the car instead of walking down the "fancy street" because of the rain but it was all so glittery and pretty!
HUGS my sweet friend. I miss you.
I got your wonderful card just before I left (drove to Missouri while you were on the couch, am headed for Florida tomorrow). I did listen to Mary Chapin Carpenter sing "The Longest Night of the Year" on the drive down - my favorite Solstice song. I hope you starty feeling better very quickly. Have another orange.
ah! those "snot bubbles" will do that to you...I know EXACTLY how you*cough*hiss*hack*...
Sorry to hear you're under the weather Martha, but you've done a scrumptious job on your tree. Hmmm, maybe all those Christmas bulbs will bring back the light. Hope you feel better soon.
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