Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My new favorite iPad app!

Flipboard! it makes Facebook look like a beautiful magazine! I am so hooked.....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Kristin said...

Hi there!
Wow, what a sweet comment - it really made my day . . . I would be happy to do a "Santa's Pooped" canvas for you - the one I have on my blog is earmarked for Somerset submission (wish me luck :) but I would be happy to do one similar or smaller for you. I would be happy to email you if I could have your address, or you can contact me at kdvanvalkenburghatmsndotcom. I will be out of town until next week, but would be happy to answer any questions you have upon my return. I hope you have a HAPPY New Year (and are having fun with your new Ipad)!
Kritin xoxo

Carmen said...

Feliç any nou.

Joanne Huffman said...

It sounds like you're liking your iPad more and more.