On Saturday we went to see Sweeney Todd. I love Johnny Depp. And I love Tim Burton. this was great, lots of blood and stuff. Don't see it,mom, you won't like it.....
On Sunday I prepared for back to school.
On Monday we watched a movie (dvd) -- Mostly Martha (In German with really fast subtitles) Two thumbs up. I was asleep by 9:30.
On Tuesday I watched the first episode of House (my favourite tv show). I was asleep by 9:10.
Tonight I went to the theatre. We saw a play -- part of the Next Stage Theatre Festival. It was called Jesus Christ: The Lost Years. It was about Jesus's teenage years (well, up to age 30). Since one of my favourite authors -- Christopher Moore, also wrote a book about this (Lamb), I thought that I'd check it out (well, courtesy of a student of mine, whose mom kindly gifted me with 2 tickets!!!) It was hilarious! If you like to laugh -- and don't mind a bit of blasphemy/ sacrilege go and see it -- it's playing at the Factory Theatre in Toronto until Sunday!
On Friday I go to ATC night at Bizzie Bs. I'll post my "men" ATCs then. I've also been working on some things for publication -- but I won't be able to show them until they are published -- many months from now.
But I'll leave you with the last of my birdie ATC series -- They are not the last birdie ones I'll ever do -- but these were the last of an ongoing swap...... these were the favourites I decided to keep....

lol too funny!!!!!
I love Johnny too!!!! Just finished re watching all the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, love it :))
I can see why you decided to keep them. Very cool bird ATCs.
oh, Martha, I love this one, just my colors!!!
Love the bird ATCs.
BTW. I won't be at ATC night tonight, I have a date with my hubby. LOL!
Wonderful collage
You've been a busy bee. I am glad to see your new art. LOVE the birdie ATCs... I would have kept them too.
I love this post Martha!! I get flack from my mother all of the time, asking why I have not yet posted another entry!! I didn't realize that I was being paid to post!!!! It is NOt a job!!
I love your last birdie ATC's!! thesea re definate keepers. I love the ones that you sent to me!! I have one more set to make!
House is my favorite TV show too!! LOve it!!
Sorry abotu your triangles - what a bummer!!!
OOOOOHHH Martha!! your white textile birdies atc's are Incredible! and i usually like very bright and colorful but something about these... all the textures and bits and pieces with the darling simple little birds resting on top of it all, oh sooooo soooooothing to the soul. thanx, i needed that! i think i need to bookmard this post so i can come back and look at them often. he he
Martha...these atc's are gorgeous. Love those birdies...are they printed on transparency or stamped?
This are very lovely ATC's !
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