Sunday, February 26, 2012

29 in 29

I've had a hard time keeping it up on weekdays, but I've been filling my bags on the weekends -- and getting rid of things! The house doesn't look any less full though....

I got rid of a box and a bag of art supplies at the Bizzy B's used stamp sale. Unfortunately I brought home 2 bags -- mostly books and some punches. Yes, I spent some money, $69. But it was all used and super cheap :) And most of it is going to school! (I did say at the get-go that I would buy used items from yard sales and thrift shops -- this counts :)

Other things that are leaving or that have left:
Bag for Goodwill
Bag for a Woman's Shelter
Box of Books for my School's Book Sale
Bag of broken computers
Bag of old food from my fridge, sadly
a set of 3 chairs
I'm going through more stuff today to toss -- February is almost over and this challenge was a great SUCCESS!

Have you read what Jenny Doh is doing this year? She is wearing the same dress every day to raise money for For more than 20 years, has been finding long-term solutions that involve buy-in from local community members within developing nations to find ways to support sustainable ways in which water can be brought to people who need it.. Read about it here! I love the black dress that she is wearing -- she is layering it and accessorizing it differently every day. If you follow her blog you will see how she makes it look different every day. I wonder how sick she will be of it by February 13, 2013? I'm not sure if I could do that, but I would definitely try, if I was raising money for a good charity. Here is a picture of Jenny in her dress:


Dawn said...

Interesting post Martha. Funny you should mention BAGS because I have an idea for an upcoming swap for the Canadian Chickies ~ stay tuned!

Are you going to send an accessory to Jenny for her black dress? I'm sure a lot of the artsy people who read her blog will pitch in for the cause. It's a great idea, I think.

Joanne Huffman said...

Good for you for the cleaning out of stuff! I'm way behind on my "stuff" purging.

MarissaDW said...

Good for you! I'm half way my cleanup and have gotten rid of a lot.

BTW. Did your school have the book sale yet? What kind of books do they need...and can I donate some? Otherwise, I'll give the books to the library. let me know.

A bird in the hand said...

I cleaned out my office corner and shredded a lot of old papers... does that count? You look so cute in the BizzyB photo! I sent Jenny Doh something for her black dress....
See you soon, I hope.