aka -- why I haven't lost weight.
Here is my day:
7 am - Get up, watch the news on tv while drinking tea.
7:30 am - Eat cereal while reading Sunday's newspaper(I'm a bit behind)
8:00 am - Have a shower
8:30 am - check my email, google reader, yada yada yada....
10:00 - OMG, it's 10:00! Well, that's snack time.... eat clementine while reading list of things to do......
10:30 - get to work on some fabric collages....
11:00 - take a break, eat some ginger bread, sip a tea... while reading google reader...
11:45 -- OMG, it's almost noon! Better have lunch....
12:30 - where was I on those fabric collages???......
1:00 - I think that it's time for more gingerbread and a tea.....
1:30 - downstairs to sew.... wait I forgot something upstairs..... get distracted, read some email.... mmm.... gingerbread...... and some more blog catching up..... wait... wasn't I in the middle of something? Oh, right, sewing...... go downstairs and then remember what I went upstairs for, but I must stop to make a tea....
3:00 - sew for a few minutes, get bored, wander upstairs and remember that there are some chips in the cupboard...... pour some chips into a bowl, pour a glass of grapefruit juice and settle in front of the computer. So that's where I am now. In front of the computer with my grapefruit juice. Chips long gone. I think that I've done about 30 minutes of work. So if you are wondering what I do all day when I'm not at work, this shows a typical day. Computer and food. I be happy.