Thursday, August 02, 2007

Harry Potter (maybe a spoiler, if you know me)

I finished the Harry Potter book (2 days)(Ray read it first) It was muchos excellentay. And, this isn't really a spoiler, but I was right about Snape. Ha. so there. I'll miss those darn characters. Well, the next book that I'm reading will be so much less exciting: Teaching for Comprehension in Reading, K-2. Wooooo -- hoooooo! I'll be starting it tomorrow, at the library, out of the stinkin' heat.


Anonymous said...

I loved Snape too Martha. Thanks for visiting me and all your comments. I get excited every time I see your name. Nice collaborative piece in Ruth's round robin. I love coming to your blog. So even though we live so far apart, I will come here when I can. It is 60 degrees here in CA and the wind is blowing outside. My fingers are cold. Love to you!

MarissaDW said...

I read the write up on yesterday's Toronto Star, apparently there was a convention yesterday. I couldn't stop reading the paragraphs where there's a spoiler. So I now know who died on the final book.

I'm still trying to finish Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I bought the book in advance only find that I can't find the receipt. Damn!