Something that I look forward to every summer is the consuming of seafood. I've not been a big fan of seafood over the years, but living here has really helped it grow on me. Of course, I love fish and chips, but I have broadened my horizons to include fish cakes and halibut steaks (and cheeks :). I'll also eat fried shrimp and clams :) . I'm ambivalent towards lobster, however, so I don't usually order it because the joy is not worth the cost ( i.e. I'd rather have fish and chips).
Last year I tried mackerel. It was okaaaaayyyyy, but I didn't think that I needed to try it again. But I did. Because I'm determined to eat healthier. AND because I got to go out on Captain Bob's boat again and go mackerel fishing!
Captain Bob making sure that we don't hit the rocks :)
The mackerel weren't biting much, but we caught a few:
I had planned to filet the fish myself, but D did it for me :) Thanks D! He also caught most of the fish. He didn't take any home though, because they had eaten mackerel the day before and mackerel don't freeze well.
and the gulls said a little thank you too...
When I got home, I fried up the filets and put some dressing on them. These were the best fish I've ever had!
So I thought I'd share my recipe:
Fry the mackerel fillets in a non-stick frying pan (or in a bit of olive oil). Do not overcook them -- hard, dry mackerel is yucky.
- season the fillets with salt and pepper
- fry for 2-3 minutes, skin side down
- turn the fish over and cook for an additional 1 minute
Drizzle with dressing (spinach salad dressing, recipe below) and serve with salad.
Spinach salad dressing (spinach, walnuts, cranberries)
Whisk together:
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup cider vinegar (or red wine, or balsamic)
1/4 cup white sugar
1 tsp minced onion
1/8 tsp paprika