We left Toronto enroute to Nova
Scotia at 5 am
Sunday. Our car was FULL. Well, actually, see for yourself -- I guess that I could have fit a tiny bit more in.....
This time, we drove south,through Buffalo and took
the I90 east toward Boston, then the I95 North to Portland, Maine. The drive
is about 10 hours of actual driving -- it took us about 14 hours -- Ray ( and
Andy) need frequent stops. ( please note, that if you are traveling to/from the
US with a pet, you just need a note that they have had their rabies
shot within the year, but also more than 30 days ago. No problem at all, we
sailed through customs)
We arrived in Portland around 7 pm -- so we had a few minutes to stop at Trader Joes ( olive tapenade,
rosemary raisin crisps... You know, just the basics :) Portland is such a
pretty town/city -- I hope to be able to explore it more next year.
At 7:30 we got in line for the ferry -- NovaStar ( from Portland to Yarmouth, NS) the Ferry is
gigantic! It is touted as a "cruise ship". We were a bit worried for Andy - who had to
stay crated in our car for the 10 hour voyage. But we cracked down our windows
a bit ( this is a night crossing -- and quite cool - no sweltering heat, don't
worry) and wired a bowl of water to the door. His crate is his safe and happy
place,so we were hopeful that he would be fine. He had his blankie. Night night
Andy -- see you in the morning.
We splurged a bit and booked a cabin ( so glad), so we dropped our stuff off
and then went to explore the ship ( note to travellers -- the power outlets on
the ship are international, so you can't charge electronics or plug anything in).
Our room had 4 bunks ( the top ones were folded up), a bedside table, a tiny
desk, rack for clothes, and a bathroom with toilet, sink and shower. Toiletries
and towels in the WC. We booked an interior cabin because we would be
travelling at night and not really needing a view.

The ferry left dock at 9 -- the sun was just starting to set. The port was
beautiful. Many car alarms were going off below deck, so we worried a bit about
Andy, but the ship managed to contact everyone to shut off all of the alarms.
We stayed on deck until it was dark , and then headed off to fine some food.
There are 3 places on board to find food -- a "fine dining"
establishment that we never came across :) , a buffet, and a pub where you can
get muffins and sandwiches. We chose the buffet ($23 each). The food was
FANTASTIC. We started with salads ( Caesar, tomato) then moved to the mains. I
tried some curried beef, seafood wontons and baked fish. All excellent. I had
blueberry pie and Mr. B had blueberry cheesecake.
Have I mentioned the Ferry Staff? So helpful and efficient :)
We were tired ( by then it was 10:30) , so we ambled back to
our cabin. Only a small roll and rumble, so I wasn't seasick yet!
We slept like babies, and were awakened by a VERY LOUD announcement that it
was morning and we would dock in an hour and a half, and would we please vacate
our rooms within a half hour.
We showered, packed and headed to the buffet for breakfast ( I was still full
from supper the previous evening, but Mr. B says the breakfast ($12) was great.

Another announcement invited us down to our cars... We couldn't remember
where our car was ( note to self: next year, pay attention), but we found it,
and Andy seemed JUST FINE. We drove off the ferry, and quickly sailed through customs
again, and stopped at the tourist information centre to walk Andy. He hopped
out of his crate, happy as can be. We walked around for about 1/2 hour, and
then he happily hopped back into his crate for the rest of the car ride. What
an awesome dog we have!!!!
(that's the ferry in the background!)
We will DEFINITELY take the NovaStar again!
Then we had less than a 2 hour drive to our summer home ( stopping in
Barrington Passage No Frills for more groceries)
Yay! We are here -- the roses and peonies are beautiful. Time now to relax.
If you are reading this and have any questions about the ferry, please leave a
comment, or email me, and I will get back to you asap)