Mr. B won an award at work "The President's Club" Award, so we went on a trip with 8 other couples (including the company president).

Our day started at Chudleighs Apple farm.
We picked an apple or two and then ate lunch.

Then we walked around and looked at the farm animals (aren't they cute?)

Someone making a donkey out of herself.....

I like llamas!

Then we traveled on to Stratford... did I tell you that we were in a party limo? Sorry, I forgot to take a picture of it.....
Then we checked into our hotel room, then went out for dinner. My meal wasn't all that photogenic, but Mr. B's scallops were!

Then we traveled down the street to the festival theatre to see
Camelot. I'm not a big musical fan, but I love the story, and I really enjoyed watching Geraint Wyn Davies as King Arthur. (I've had a secret crush on him ever since Forever Knight, lol)

The next day we went out for brunch and had a bit of free time in Stratford. I found a fabulous clothing store,
Resonance, and could have spent many hours and thousands of dollars in it. I'll be back there for sure...... There was a beautiful coat that I didn't buy... but I'm still dreaming of....
Then we waited for our limo back to Toronto. And we waited and we waited and we waited. The limo driver (not the one from the day before, a new one) had picked up our luggage at the hotel, and was driving our luggage back to Toronto. WITHOUT US! Sheesh.
But look what I found while we were waiting.

Justin Bieber's star. He's from Stratford. So hey all of you young ladies... I touched the star that Justin Bieber touched. I am so cool.
So we made it back to the big city a few hours late. But it was worth the trip :)