Finally -- it's here! Today is the first real day of y vacation (real means that the others in the house have gone back to work-- I'm alone.......)
But the list of things to do is building up.
Here's how my summer is looking:
- make polar fleece mittens for next year's kids (40 pair)
- make felt food for my dramatic play centre
- organize phys ed lessons
- do my Reggio readings (have almost a dozen books)
- make baby gifts for J
- assemble my Christmas themed tip in book -- the last pages are here!
- mount the white 3x3 swap squares (they were in Sew Somerset -- the swap was over a year ago)
- prepare for week at the cottage
- prepare for 2 weeks in Phoenix
- organize the art studio (I could likely do this every weekend for the rest of my life)
- cut the dogs hair
- make some zombie dolls for some certain deserving people
- paint the trim in the bedroom (waiting 2 years)
- finish painting the basement (I started last summer)
- tackle the removal of 100 years of wallpaper and paint off the front hall walls
- battle the slugs!
- buy a new bike and ride to the beach almost every day :)
Today I'm making thank you cards. It's about 10 billion degrees here today. Okay, perhaps I exaggerate a bit. It
feels like 10 billion degrees today..... I've also done my income taxes today (yes, I'm a few months late.....) and I did Lauren's taxes too.... and I ordered some school supplies for the fall....

Tomorrow I shall ride my new bike to the swimming pool and swim a mile...... I love summer :)