I'm going to be a bit overextended between now and the middle of June.
1. I am taking an AQ course -- that's an "Additional Qualification" in teacher lingo. It's a full University course (with a price tag to match!). It involves 65 hours of classtime and a 60 hour Inquiry paper. It's every Tuesday night -- and an additional 4 Saturdays. Plus that extra 60 hours for the paper (and you have to log every minute that you spend on it!) So why am I putting myself through this?? -- the subject is Kindergarten Curriculum -- my joy, my life. However, I might be kicking myself in a weeks time when my principal hands out our teaching assignments for next year! (I am qualified to teach up to the sixth grade)
2. I am taking an 8 week jewelry course at
nanoPod Studio here in Toronto. I signed up for it before I signed up for the AQ. The class that I'm taking is
Metal+Glass. It is Tosca Teran's studio -- she is a fantastic artist and teacher! I started it last night. We did some sawing of copper -- which I had done before, so it was a relaxing beginning to the course. If you're interested in a basic introduction to goldsmithing (with some glasswork thrown in) then take one of Tosca's classes -- I've only been there one night, but I know that you won't be disappointed. (She will be having some advanced classes later this summer)
3. We have an Arts Night coming up at school -- May 6th -- and I have to come up with something fabulous for the kids to make! (They always make fabulous things -- I just have to guide them with some kind of theme and medium....)
4. Report Cards. There will be 37 of them. Enough said.
5. In June I will be attending a certain Art Sisters Weekend in Niagara-on-the-Lake! Our theme is birds.... I'd better get thinking about little giftie things, or all of a sudden it will be upon me, and I'll have made nothing.....
6. I'm throwing a bit of a Mad Hatter Tea Party at
Bizzy Bs tomorrow night starting at 6:30 p.m. Come on by!
Off now to bake some tarts! bye bye!