I haven't been able to hear for 2 days now. I got some water in both ears when I swam yesterday morning. Yes, I wear earplugs. I readjusted my earplugs when I was in the pool -- I think that I pushed water waaaay into my ear. I've had one ear plugged before, but never both. This isn't just a bit plugged. I can only hear if someone who is standing right in front of me yells. I can also hear my dog bark, which will help me if there is an emergency!
I can't hear
cars passing me on the street,
people talking,
children screaming,
the phone ringing.
I only hear
my own thoughts
and my voice
seems buried in a dream.
So, I can't watch tv. I can't talk to my family or friends (well, I CAN talk, I just can't listen. Perhaps this is to my advantage....) But I can read, surf the internet, do my report cards (due tuesday) and visit my knit up. It's a bit droopy, but I can't pull it up, because it's frozen. (note to self -- don't mix acrylic and wool in the same knit up). But I can't concentrate in all of this silence! Cross your fingers that my hearing is back by Monday. My students thought that yelling at Ms Brown was fun for a day, but I think that they will start to take advantage of me in a few days!
Well, what's a post without a picture, right? I'll finish off February with the rest of my Valentine Swap pieces.

The fabric covered hand-made journal is from
Arlene Tavnik-- I can't wait to write in it! The dangly collage is by
Nicolette Anderson -- I've had it hanging on my Valentine's tree. The glittery key pendent is by
Dawn Supina -- very fun and glittery! And the glass tile heart pendant is by
Kim Mailhot . You can see much better pictures on the
groups blog! They (we) are a very talented bunch. I am a very lucky person to be part of it!!