Saturday, January 12, 2013

Welcome 2013!

I had lots of "down time" during the holidays -- time to reflect and look toward the year ahead....

My "word" for 2012 was "frugal". I tried to live as frugally as possible in 2012. I did an amazing job, except for a little (ok, large) digression in August -- it's hard to travel (to Northern Ontario, to Phoenix, then Nova Scotia) without buying anything. I am going to continue the frugality into 2013.

This year's word?

I'm trying to live more simply... trying to slow down and not go-go-go so much. To live in the moment. Cut back, declutter. Live simply. Simply live. I'm hoping that it adds more serenity to my life too. I'm tired of rush-rush-rushing.I need to simplify my surroundings too....

My resolution for this year?
NO CANDY. I'm not going to eat any candy (small disclaimer -- I am not going to eat any candy that it not already in my possession, right now, today -- it would be wasteful, and even disrespectful not to eat the candy that was given to me as a gift, at Christmas. Right? RIGHT?) .
So, let's start again. NO new CANDY. So, Mr. B. Don't even think of giving me candy for valentines day. I can't eat it. And sorry, I won't be eating any road trip licorice. (oh, wait, I got some for Christmas, we'll eat that). Is this a cop out kind of resolution? Sort of (hah! speaking of sorts -- I got licorice allsorts for Christmas). Really, I am trying to avoid the mindless eating of candy that happens at school. I'm actually trying to cut out refined sugar... baby steps, people. I've also cut out soft drinks. water with lemon it is :)

So, that's it. Live more simply, eat no candy.