Sunday, January 05, 2020
Monday, August 05, 2019
Still making!
All flavoured with fruit from my garden (I suppose that technically, rhubarb is a vegetable :)
Finally, the raspberries are ready. I’m having issues with the porcubearaccoon that is trampling all of the canes. Last night I was out yelling at it and throwing things into the patch as it (they) crunched through. The dog hid behind me (she was on her leash, not even growling)🙄
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Watermelon Rind Pickles
The berries are late this year! Sadly, the Saskatoon berries are few and far between this year - and it looks like my pin cherries were hit by frost after blossoming. Blueberries are starting to ripen! It looks like there will be (another!) bumper crop of raspberries, but they aren’t even close to ready and I have to keep the deer/porcubearaccoon away. Hopefully the blackberries will be ripe before we go home.
I really am living my best life here....
Monday, July 15, 2019
Friday, January 05, 2018
Hello 2018!
My one little word for this year is "connect".
This year, I want to connect more with family, with friends, with my students and their families. I want to re-connect with my creativity, and with others who share similar interests.
I'm hoping to see family and friends more often, to take more classes and workshops, and to blog more often.
I need to have deeper, more meaningful connections with the moments in my life. You only have them once. I need to be fully there.
No dress rehearsal, this is my life.
Sunday, December 31, 2017
It's a Wrap
Mr. B and I began the year in Nova Scotia, relaxing and recharging. We love the winter there. I was lucky to have been able to collect the quince from the bush beside our house (we got there during the first freeze) so I made quince paste for the first time ( hopefully again some day! It was lovely!)
I returned to Toronto with some trepidation. Back to Kindergarten. Sharing the room with daycare and lunchroom. A new teaching partner.... yikes. But Kindergarten is wonderful. Sharing the room is difficult, but manageable. And my teaching partner was more than I could ever have wished for! Thank you FT for being such an awesome teaching partner. I will miss you SO MUCH.
Friday, July 28, 2017
Yesterday, my new friend J and I went to Keji National Park for a cycle around the trails. I have never been to the main Kejimkujik Park -- but have been to the Seaside Adjunct many times (lately made famous by a recent visit by PM Justin Trudeau and his entourage :)
I met J while we were "working" at the community breakfast at West Queens Community Hall last Saturday. We were both Newbies - and they had us taking orders and serving! Very sharp learning curve there -- but I think we did a pretty good job? (the next Breakfast is August 26-- consider going! - for $8 you get eggs, bacon, sausages, beans, hash browns, toast, juice and coffee or tea)(also the bake sale down the road at the hostel is that same weekend!)
So. J picked me up at 10 am and we threw my bike into the back of her truck and we were off. It's about an hour and a half? to Keji (I dont know how long it took -- we were chatting too much!). This year is free admission to Keji ( National Parks are free because of Canada's 150 birthday)( more info here)
After checking in at the Visitors Centre, we drove to the parking lot and started down the Mersey River Trail. We also rode the Slapfoot Trail and the trail from Jake's Landing to Merrymakedge Beach.

J getting some shots of the beautiful greens of the grasses, trees and other plants:

The water at Keji is tarry black from the tannic acids from peat leaching into the water. And Keji is also known for its dark sky at night (great for oberving the galaxy). Dark water, dark sky - dark beer -Boxing Rock's Dark as Keji!
Some very interesting fungi....

It was a fabulous outing -- Thank you so much, J, for inviting me on your adventure!
I plan to return to Keji again this summer with Mr. B. I'd like to walk along the trails. Biking the trails was really fun (and sometimes scary down some big hills), but if you really want to SEE nature, I think walking is better. We had to stop and get off of our bikes a lot! But, having said that, I'd like to cycle those trails again :) ( just dont go on a weekend - the trail is narrow, so when you pass someone coming toward you, you have to get off your bike - yesterday wasn't busy, but on a busy day, that would be less enjoyable).
This is one if those times that I wished that I lived here year-round so I could see the park throughout the seasons.
You can read more about Keji here on the official website:
or here on Wikipedia: